Inside a Credit Card
A Shared, Mixed Reality HoloLens 2 Experience Proposal
A Shared, Mixed Reality HoloLens 2 Experience Proposal
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Project overview
'Inside a Credit Card Shared Experience' is an application that allows two users to simultaneously explore the inside and functions of the payment card. This augmented reality application enables users to discover the product in an entirely new way through Holo Lens 2 glasses, right before their eyes, using gestures. Additionally, the application allows for additional participants who can observe the entire experience on additional screens.
HoloLens 2, iPad, Unity
Mixed Reality
Key Challenges
An application for immersive exploration
Developing an immersive exploration app requires careful design to ensure seamless interaction with 3D models and AR features. It must balance aesthetics with functionality while accurately representing complex components, providing users with an engaging and informative experience.
Data analysis system
Facilitating shared interaction within the application necessitates sophisticated networking and synchronisation capabilities. To achieve seamless simultaneous usage by two individuals, the application must synchronise their actions in real-time, ensuring that both users have a cohesive and synchronised experience. This involves intricate coordination of user inputs, such as gestures and interactions with the 3D model, across multiple devices.
Enabling shared interaction
Enabling additional users on tablets to synchronise and participate in the shared experience seamlessly with those using Holo Lens 2 glasses requires seamless cross-device communication and synchronisation mechanisms.
The successful resolution of these key challenges culminated in an application that enables users to interact with a 3D model of a payment card through augmented reality. By addressing the complexities of immersive exploration, facilitating shared interaction, and seamlessly integrating with tablets, the application delivers a captivating and informative experience for users. This accomplishment marks a significant advancement in redefining how users engage with and understand the intricacies of payment card technology.
The successful resolution of these key challenges culminated in an application that enables users to interact with a 3D model of a payment card through augmented reality. By addressing the complexities of immersive exploration, facilitating shared interaction, and seamlessly integrating with tablets, the application delivers a captivating and informative experience for users. This accomplishment marks a significant advancement in redefining how users engage with and understand the intricacies of payment card technology.
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